Today is the release date of Big Bang 5th Japanese Single 'Beautiful Hangover' Music Video....Check this hot video here
there's one thing that really catches my eyes, the moment i saw the scene of Seungri solo screen time at 0:04, SNSD debut MV Into The New World come straight to my mine....
Why? Because they shoot in the SAME location!!
it's definitely the same location....if you see the full mv of SNSD Into The New World MV the scene where Hyoyeon leaning the wall we also can see the 'hole' in the wall, just like in Big Bang MV...
What makes it seems to be different is, Big Bang shoots in a better angle and have better edits than SNSD....but still, it's exactly the same location....Check SNSD debut video here....
I believe the steps briefly glimpsed in the BB video are where Tiffany sat and did some of her solo lines, and the roof top is where Seo danced with the paper airplane. According to GGTS EP3 this was on Jeju Island 07/22/07.